Silicon Beach Think Tank

Think the COVID-19 pandemic has curtailed Loyola Marymount University? Think again.
Out of the chaos the world continues to experience in responding to the contagion, a new entity is taking shape – the Silicon Beach Think Tank – an LMU initiative in the Playa Vista/Silicon Beach business community that aims to pool experience and exchange ideas on timely and relevant issues facing our society. Marianna Villa, LMU's executive director for strategic partnerships and initiatives, hopes the think tank will serve as a catalyst for ideas and action, setting the stage for future collaborations and creative solutions.
Seeking to understand how the global pandemic has affected business on all levels, LMU's External Relations and Partnerships team asked CEOs and senior executives to share their COVID-19 experiences in online Q&As. These interviews share the issues, changes, losses, and gains for these businesses during this unprecedented time.
Business in the time of COVID

Dr. J.J. Rawlinson
Senior Manager, Community Partnerships and Welfare Initiatives, Wallis Annenberg PetSpace
More Interviews Coming Soon!
Interested in sharing your Silicon Beach Think Tank story?
Contact Marianna at
Combating Systematic Racism

During this time of race based civil unrest how is your company examining its own diversity and check points against systematic racism?
"We know we have a lot of work to do internally. We also know we don't have all the answers. We have started with an assessment of our business and employment practices. In addition we are providing opportunities for our employees to learn about anti-racism, engage with the movement, and share their learning and experiences with each other. We are in the process of planning effective and thoughtful next steps to implement across the organization."
Amy Smith
Chief Strategy and Impact Officer, TOMS
"We’re starting with ourselves as humans as much as the company - listening, asking hard questions and committing to change. We’ve done quite a bit of work as a company to progress but it’s not nearly enough. Our mission is to expand and diversify the creative class and there still is so much work to do."
Evin Shutt, M.Ed. '04
Chief Executive Officer and Partner, 72andSunny